Chargé de R&D spécialisé sur le renouvellement des peuplements forestiers, responsable du pôle Recherche, Développement et Innovation de la DT Seine Nord


Site ONF

  • Barrere, J., Collet, C., Saïd, S., Bastianelli, D., Verheyden, H., Courtines, H., Bonnet, A., Segrestin, J., Boulanger, V., 2022. Do trait responses to simulated browsing in Quercus robur saplings affect their attractiveness to Capreolus capreolus the following year? Environmental and Experimental Botany 194.
  • Boulanger, V., Dupouey, J.-L., Archaux, F., Badeau, V., Baltzinger, C., Chevalier, R., Corcket, E., Dumas, Y., Forgeard, F., Mårell, A., Montpied, P., Paillet, Y., Picard, J.-F., Saïd, S., Ulrich, E., 2018. Ungulates increase forest plant species richness to the benefit of non-forest specialists. Glob Change Biol 24, e485–e495.
  • Boulanger, V., Gosselin, F., Debaive, N., 2016. Gestion, Naturalité et Biodiversité (GNB) : Mutualisation des forces des gestionnaires et des chercheurs autour d’un projet de recherche finalisée.
  • Collet, C., Richter, C., Ulrich, E., Blondet, M., Deleuze, C., Boulanger, V., Dassot, M., Legay, M., 2016. A multi-actor partnership and a multidisciplinary approach to innovate forest planting practices. Revue Forestiere Francaise 68, 533–546.
  • Dumas, N., Dupouey, J.-L., Gégout, J.-C., Boulanger, V., Bontemps, J.-D., Morneau, F., Dalmasso, M., Collet, C., 2022. Identification and spatial extent of understory plant species requiring vegetation control to ensure tree regeneration in French forests. Annals of Forest Science 79.
  • Richard, B., Dupouey, J.-L., Corcket, E., Alard, D., Archaux, F., Aubert, M., Boulanger, V., Gillet, F., Langlois, E., Macé, S., Montpied, P., Beaufils, T., Begeot, C., Behr, P., Boissier, J.-M., Camaret, S., Chevalier, R., Decocq, G., Dumas, Y., Eynard-Machet, R., Gégout, J.-C., Huet, S., Malécot, V., Margerie, P., Mouly, A., Paul, T., Renaux, B., Ruffaldi, P., Spicher, F., Thirion, E., Ulrich, E., Nicolas, M., Lenoir, J., 2021. The climatic debt is growing in the understorey of temperate forests: Stand characteristics matter. Global Ecology and Biogeography 30, 1474–1487.
  • Schermer, É., Bel-Venner, M.-C., Gaillard, J.-M., Dray, S., Boulanger, V., Le Roncé, I., Oliver, G., Chuine, I., Delzon, S., Venner, S., 2020. Flower phenology as a disruptor of the fruiting dynamics in temperate oak species. New Phytologist 225, 1181–1192.